I Failed the GQ Quiz
Posted on January 25, 2023 at 9:00 am | Uncategorized
I Failed the GQ Quiz. What’s Your Score?
I took a GQ quiz this week and failed. No, it wasn’t in GQ (Gentlemen’s Quarterly) magazine =). It’s the Generational Quotient Assessment. It’s a simple quiz that helps you identify how much you know about the different generations we all encounter. It’s free, and this link takes you directly to it! Can you score higher than my 63? I did score the highest for my own generation, but that means I have a LOT to learn about the other four generations. Do you know that in 2023, five generations are working together and often colliding with one another? Below is a table with information from Tim Elmore that I’ve found very helpful (I’ve modified it slightly). In summary, context explains conduct. Each generation embraces different values and customs and we as leaders need to recognize this and adapt accordingly.
The largest generation in the workforce right now are Millennials (born between 1983-2000). They’re confident, love choice and change, and choose which leaders they’re going to follow. But they’re not the only group you’ll need to work with. Organizations that are going to thrive and leaders who are going to excel recognize the differences in each of the generations and use it to their advantage. Veterans and rookies can work together and excel – it is possible. We just have to recognize that the same techniques won’t work with everyone.
As you move forward in your organization, seek to learn and grow with someone from a different generation. How can you build relationships and drop the walls? What can they teach you? What can you show them? Let’s build connections among all generations. Inter-generational diversity will add strength to your organization. Let’s all commit to learn and grow.
Stay sharp,
Holly Hayes, President & Founder